Comments should be submitted by November 16, 2018 to be addressed in the fourth draft of the City’s updated zoning ordinance. Any comments received after that will continue to be considered for later revisions. The fourth draft is anticipated in early December.
Category: News
Local Population Projections and Growth Expectations
Knoxville is growing and will continue to do so. In the next few decades, we expect thousands of new residents to call our city home. The update of the city’s zoning ordinance will help prepare the community for that growth, striking a balance between protecting valued traits of existing neighborhoods and creating vibrant new communities to accommodate all residents.
Consideration by the Planning Commission Delayed
The Planning Commission was originally scheduled to vote on Recode Knoxville at their regularly scheduled meeting on November 8, 2018. While it will still be on the agenda for discussion, staff will not recommend taking action. Instead, consideration will be delayed until December or later. Prior to the meeting on December 13, two day-long workshops will be scheduled for the Stakeholder Advisory Committee and workshops are being scheduled for City Council and the Planning Commission to enable in-depth discussion of specific topics.
What’s New in the Latest Draft
Interested in learning more about the draft ordinance, but don’t have time to read the entire document?
Fall Public Meeting Schedule
A series of meetings to present the third draft of the code and second draft of the map will be held in late October in preparation for their consideration the Metropolitan Planning Commission in November. Changes made from the last round of drafts will be highlighted.
Recap: Summer Public Meetings
The second draft of the updated zoning ordinance and the first draft of the updated map were presented at a series of public meetings this summer. Learn more about the latest drafts and submit your comments by September 13.
Residential District Comparison Table
We’ve been getting questions about how the proposed residential districts for the update compare to those in the current ordinance. We’ve put together a comparison chart to help make it clearer. Check it out!
Second Draft and Supporting Documents Available
The second draft of the City’s new zoning ordinance was released in late July. Information about how it’s different from the first draft and what led to those changes are now available.
Draft Map 1 Now Available
The new map, along with tools to compare the existing zoning and provide comments, is available online.
Summer Community Meetings Scheduled
MPC is working with several community groups throughout the City of Knoxville and will share information about the second draft of the updated zoning ordinance at a series of upcoming meetings.
We encourage you to attend one of these meetings to learn more about the project!